Black sesame truffles

Have you seen coconut condensed milk in the supermarket?  They can make these black sesame truffles which are gluten free, dairy free and vegan - perfect as a Christmas treat.


Truffle mix

320ml Coconut condensed milk

320g Almond meal

80g Black sesame powder 

For rolling

20g Black sesame powder

20g Black sesame seeds (toasted)


Prepare mini muffin trays by lining them with mini muffin cases.  This recipe makes approx 30 truffles.

Combine the truffle mix together in a bowl.  Mix the coconut condensed milk, almond meal and black sesame powder until consistently coloured.

The truffle mix should be wet, but able to be rolled into balls without sticking to your hands.

Divide truffle mix into approx 22-25g portions and roll into a ball shape.  

In a small plate/tray combine the rolling mixture.  Mix and spread evenly out.

Place into the rolling mix and roll around to cover with black sesame seeds.  Roll again in hands to set the outside.  Place into a mini muffin case.

Once completed, refrigerate the truffles for 1 hour or place into the freezer for at least 20 minutes before serving to cool and set.

